Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Break...

Well take it from me, don't start a blog toward the end of the year!  It's been over a month since my last post.  We. have. been. busy.  That about sums it up!  This is the first year where we are still not completely done shopping and Christmas is 6 days out.  Yikes!!  I have high hopes to finish up tomorrow...fingers crossed. 
This passed week Molly was extremely busy at school....all fun of course.  LOTS to keep up with though.  Two performances of her Christmas Program, Grandparents Day brunch, Pajama Day with a visit from Santa, and a Christmas party with cookie decorating and a book exchange with her classmates. 
Now she's officially on her first Christmas Break.  This first semester in school has been so much fun for all of us.  Molly LOVES school and is crazy about her teacher.  Her little brain is absorbing so much.  She is learning to spell and sound words out.  She can write her entire alphabet by herself.  Her vocabulary is broad.  One smart cookie she is.  We are so proud of her. 

You can barely see her over yonder on the back row.  This was the cute performance for Grandparents Day.
 School Christmas Program
 Book exchange and thrilled with the book she got.
 Taking her time decorating her sugar cookie.  Most of the other kids just piled on the icing and mixed it with other colors, but not her...she very precisely drew a star and knew exactly what sprinkles she wanted to use...awfully creative!


  1. how fun! and busy! love reading your blog!!

  2. yay!! So glad you like it! If only I can keep up with it. :)
