Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh Happy Day

I get SO excited about Easter every year.  Such a wonderful holiday filled with so much happiness and all things new and alive!  It really made my heart happy that my Molly is understanding what Easter is all about.  I picked her and sissy up from daycare one afternoon and on the way home Molly told me the story of how our Jesus hung on one of 3 crosses where he would die and then he would rise from the grave a few days later.  It's so powerful what she is capable of learning and I love that I'm the one she chooses to share it with.  Her telling me this gave me goosebumps.  I just love our car conversations. 

This Easter Sunday was extremely wet!  It rained from the time I got out of bed and I can honestly say it was still coming down when I went to bed last night.  It was a pretty rain though, and very much needed here in Oklahoma.  The girls and I got up and headed to church....and yes I said girls.  Usually it's more convenient to leave Aubrey at home with daddy because at this point and time she is rather attached to me.  Leaving her in a Sunday School class is hard on her and me when I have to walk away while she's crying...even if the crying only lasts a minute.  But this special Sunday, she went straight in to her class with NO crying.  Yay for my big girl!!!  Molly has several school friends in her class at church, so she usually just jumps right in the fun. 

The service was nothing short of terrific.  I love listening and watching a preacher who is comical and quite animated.  The music was wonderful, one very passionate woman sang and I so enjoyed her voice. One song still stuck in my head today is Christ Is Risen, Matt Maher's version. 
I loved hearing the rolling thunder throughout the service's like it was part of it. 

By the time the service ended, the rain was only coming down harder.  I had my purse, Bible, an umbrella, & Aubi in my arms and Molly was by my side.  As we started walking toward the car, the puddles were deep with the cold rain.  Molly started to cry so I tried to make the best of that moment by telling her not to be scared or worried if her new shoes got wet.  I told her to splash and kick and just enjoy stomping in the puddles.  Her fear and crying quickly subsided and she started to giggle.  The umbrella did shield us from some of the down pour, but by the time we made it in the car, we were all cold and wet.  My hair was a mess, and my dress was, well, soaked.  We turned up the heat and kicked off our shoes, just cackled at the water dripping off of each of us, and headed home to pick up daddy.  I just decided my dress was too far gone to try to dry, so I put on jeans. 
Then we headed off to lunch with my hubby's side of the family and continued to enjoy the day.  Yummy food, good company, what more can you ask for??  Because of the torential down pours, egg hunting didn't happen...although a little bunny left all the kiddos some sweet surprises under their chairs at the dinner table.  :)
With our bellies full and everyone in good spirits, we all parted ways.  My side of the fam was over at my Grandma Faye's, not expecting to see us, but we popped in to wish them all a Happy Easter and stayed for a bit to chit chat.  I was really wanting to hold my sweet baby niece, Lanna Belle too....she's so darn sweet!

I did not take one picture on Easter this year.  However, the day before, my 2 little chickadee's and I ventured to a few locations to snap some cute moments, and that we did!  Hope you like!

They are a mess.  Our mess.  And I love our mess.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Molly Day

On Good Friday, Molly's class ventured to a nearby park for an Easter egg hunt and a picnic.  I went to work for a few hours that morning then headed to the park before the bus arrived with the eager kiddos.

She found me!!
 Ready!  Set!  Hunt!
 My sweet sunshine girl, smiling bright...
 Showing me ALL the eggs she found
 I'm so in love with this crazy fun child!
 Counting out the goods!
Goofing off with all her classmates
 Look mom!  I can swing as high as the sky!
 She. Is. Precious.
 Miss Happy-Go-Lucky
 Mommy snuck in on a pic!  Me with my almost-finished-with-pre-k-kid!
Only 4 weeks left!!!  Seems INSANE how fast the year has gone.
 Molly & a friend
 Taking a break...

The kiddos had a great time hunting, picnicing & playing.  I was pretty pooped from pushing lots of kiddos on the swings! :)
I left out a little early in hopes of having a quick lunch with my Prince!  I was in luck!!
After lunch I was planning to head back to work but I decided to throw a curve-ball in the day.  I played hookie, but not without a friendly call in to the office to make sure it was a do-able hookie kinda day!
So, I surprised Miss Molly at the school when the bus brought them back and checked her out early.  We ran home to change clothes, then we switched my car out for daddy's truck so we could pick up some yard goodies at our fave, (Lowe's!)
But not without a stop by Pink Swirls (or Pink Squirrels as I like to call it) for some yummy frozen yogurt.  Molly topped hers with gummy bears, brownies, white choc. chips, choc syrup, sprinkles, oreos, & peanut butter cups.  My selection was quite boring compared to hers.....strawberries, kiwi, & toasted coconut. 
Then off to Lowe's we went to fill in some holes in the flowerbeds.  Molly loves Lowe's.  She smells almost every flower then pretend sneezes and says, "Oh my, must be allergic to that one too!"  Yep, she makes the trip more fun. 
We finally made it back home and she helped me unload the bed of the truck and then she rode her bike around singing as I planted.  After planting and putting down 13 bags of mulch, I was pooped, and so was Miss Mo.  She played her heart out at the park and then came home only to wear herself out even more. 
We got cleaned up and once sister & daddy came home, we went to rent some movies and pick up a pizza and some pasta.  We'd most def. worked up an appetite!  My sweet lil' lovebird kept saying she wanted to stay up late that night, but she was out shortly after 8 on the couch.  It was a fun day and she was so glad to have ALL my attention instead of having to share the limelight with little sis.  She loves her sis, and she is the world's most compassionate big sis, but I know she stilll enjoys her time. 

She told me I made her day when I showed up at her school to pick her up early....little does she know that she made mommy's day too. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Where the green grass...isn't growing!?!?

Welp, our plans changed. 

I had high hopes of putting in a rockin' veggie garden this year.....then I woke up...err looked out the window to the backyard rather.

See ALL that dirt???? 

There really did used to be grass in its place.  Then moles attacked and decided to stay awhile.  You could literally sink in our backyard with all the loose dirt.  And this wind? With dirt? Mix that with my girlies playing out on their swing-set and well, it just ain't good.  So, the decision was made to fa-get about the garden for now and focus on the yard itself.  We've already attended opening day for the local Farmer's Market and will continue to show our support of others who are growing the goods!!  Among all the other goodies we found there, my gang always favors the fresh asparagus that we wrap in bacon and slowly grill to yumminess! 

But, back to the yard....
My Prince is a true miracle worker and has taken on this project.  Moles are migrating to someone else's yard, (truly sorry neighbors!!) AND the amazing man my Prince is, he's working on getting grass to grow.  He is bound and determined.  Been watering every night.  What a MIGHTY good man! 

Stay tuned!  We've got LOADS of plans for the backyard. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Great Wolf Lodge...lots of pics!

Last weekend we took a road trip southbound.  We took the girls to Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, TX.  Of course Aubrey had no idea what she was in for, and really, neither did Molly.  She just thought we were staying in a hotel and that was enough to excite her.

So, Friday we packed up the car and off we went!      

We ate lunch on the road....I caught them both with their mouths full of corndog........


We have arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anxiously awaiting checking out this incredible place!

In our "Kid Kamp" room and checking it out from floor to ceiling.
The bunk beds were a hit!!

Great view of the outside area...which doesn't normally open until May, but opened the Saturday we were there because of the awesome warm weather.

tickle time in the room

Daddy & lil' sis playing pickaboo

Ready to stretch our legs and check out the place!
Aren't the hallways neat?!? 

There are elevators but we mostly enjoyed the stairs.....

Showing the girls where they get to play the following day....ALL day!

Hanging out in the lobby

We found the arcade!
Pretty sure we probably spent $20 on this ice cream truck during our stay for Aubi. 
She LOVED it!  After the first night, she was even capable of inserting the coins in the small, thin slots to start it!  Anytime we'd walk by the arcade, she'd tug our hand in that direction.  She's a riot!!!

Even mommy & daddy indulged in some game playing too!

Molly Moo!

After the arcade we headed to dinner at the Critter Grill

Show me your wolf ears!!!!

After dinner we were all wanting somethin' sweet so we headed downstairs to check out Bear Paw,
where we found more than we needed!  But it's vaca, right?  Time to enjoy ourselves!!!!!

We took our treats back to the room and enjoyed sharing them.
Daddy got the ice cream sandwich cookie, although Aubster ate most of it......

Molly taking on a scrumdiddlyumptious brownie

my dulche de leche ice cream was to die for.....both times I had it over the weekend!

just enjoying some down time!

Nice view at night

Off to bed they go....

Early risers we all were, headed down to breakfast then we hurried into the water park to get started splashing around!


We played for hours, then the little one started wearing down, and big sis had worked up an appetite, so we headed to the room for some lunch....

and patty cake....

Aubi & daddy napped so Molz & I tried out the MagiQuest and did some shopping.

And then off to play more!!

Worn smooth out!

Sunday morning we checked out early, packed up the car, but stayed and played for a few more hours. 
We showered and threw on some clothes and then left our fun weekend destination behind for the next time.

This shot cracks me up.  It was BEYOND bright outside!

On our way out, we stopped at the Rain Forest Cafe for lunch & the girls just loved it!  They were amazed by their surroundings, huge fish tanks, dancing gorillas, and of course the big snapping alligator! 

the girls snacking on some nachos

Molly found the alligator and was mesmerized!

My monkey wanted her picture with the swinging monkey! :)

In the car, homeward bound

We had a TERRIFIC time!!!!  A really great weekend for all of us and we needed it.  Our first FAM'o'4 vaca and it was a success.  A huge one.

Next vaca?  Well, it's strictly mommy & daddy!  We love our babies but we need some alone time too!  Playa Del Carmen in June....counting down the days to lie on this beach......