Sunday, May 1, 2011

Weekend Tales

The weekend is over...........I'm so sad.  They always end too quickly! 

Saturday mornings should totally be for sleeping in, but it doesn't seem to work out that way for me very often, and no blaming the girls on this one, because they are both GREAT sleepers!  In fact, on this particular morning, I was up by 6:30 a.m., Molly wasn't up until 8 and we woke sleepy Aubrey (& sleepy daddy too) up close to 10! 

I woke up just bursting with energy, so I started laundry, unloaded the dishwasher and made the fam some chocolate chip banana muffins for breakfast.  They were fantastic, if you were wondering! :)

Molly & I decided we'd go check out a few garage sales, but it was pretty cold out and we really didn't find many sales.  I've been on the prowl for a twin bed/headboard to redo for Aubrey's room.  I found 2 twin beds  at one of the garage sales, but one had baseballs & bats in the wood work, and the other one that could have been workable was already sold!  Bummer!  Then I found bunk beds that sparked my interest for a few minutes, but I decided against that.  So, the search continues!!!

Saturday wound up being a beautiful sunny day. 

My Prince & I had date night Saturday night...we had dinner at The Wedge in OKC.  It's a brick oven pizzeria and it's quite yumalicious! 


Then we worked our way down to the OKC Arts Festival.  Lots of talent, that's for sure!!! 
We came across this sculpture and couldn't help but start daydreaming of lake days.  They will be here soon!!!

Because Saturday was date night, my parents kept the girls over night and took the girls to church with them.  It was cold and stormy early this a.m. so I took full advantage of sleeping in and it was wonderful.  I just wished my body allowed me to do so more often!  That internal alarm clock needs to silence itself every once in awhile!  Greggy & I lazily got out of bed and went to breakfast.  It was nice and relaxing and enjoyable to just have some "us" time. 

The girlies came home mid afternoon and were both really tired so they napped for a few hours. 

I'm not a huge pasta fan, but here lately I have been craving chicken alfredo, so I made some for din-din.  I had some fresh chicken in the fridge, no fettucine noodles, so penne was the winner, and I made a quick alfredo sauce from scratch.  It was the perfect comfort food for this drizzly, cold day. 

Then it was time for a few games of TROUBLE, (we love it at our house!) and before ya know it, it's bed time for my little loves. 

It was so good to have a low-key weekend. 

Oh!  And incase you were wondering, all of this rain we've been getting has does wonders in our backyard!  We have grass sprouting up everywhere...slowly but surely!  My hubby put fertilizer down just in time. 
I'll try to post pictures of the progress soon. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful week!

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