Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday's Gone...with the wind

Yes, I know the song is Tuesday's Gone...but literally this Friday's gone with the wind...and so did my bangs!  Just stepping out for a few minutes, dirt blew in my eyes and mouth and blew my own hair in my mouth. 


Came home this evening to find a tree branch on the ground in the backyard....a pretty good sized one too.  Good grief.  This crazy Oklahoma wind is a force to be reckoned with!!

But, I am glad it's Friday.  Aren't I always? 
Another busy week come and gone.  When I flipped the calendar to March, I was overjoyed that there wasn't much going on, but that seemed to change rather quickly.  Things at work have picked up too and it feels like it all happened over night....but, business is good!!

My hubby's gone to a Thunder game tonight, Aubi was out cold at 8 on the dot, and Molly went to dinner and then to play with some pretty sweet little gals.  Now she too is out cold and I'm sitting and enjoying some quiet time. 

I do have a bit of a heavy heart tonight though...
My brother, Andy, has been in Japan all week on business.  Tonight he was scheduled to be home, but instead he is now stuck in Tokyo.  He is SAFE, thank you Jesus!  He was in Okinawa all week, and last night was supposed to be flying in to Tokyo to board a plane Houston-bound, but while he was in the air, an earthquake hit Tokyo.  And not just any earthquake...the largest earthquake in Japanese history.  So, I guess in the air was the best place to be at the time- God was most def. looking out for him!!!!!
So, he was diverted to an air force base and tonight, or should I say tomorrow morning, since they are 15 hours ahead of us, he is in a hotel room.  Bless his heart.  He has been on my mind and heart all day long.  And so has my sis-in-law....she's been a single parent all week to my 3 year old niece and to my 2 month old niece.  Not that she can't handle it, because she totally can, but that is a lot to juggle by yourself...and then the fact that they were all expecting him to be home tonight and he's not. 
We were all pretty worried this morning, hadn't heard from him, but then a few emails came in.  Thank goodness!  In his emails he hoped to be able to fly out on Sunday. 
My sis in law has been keeping our family in the loop on when she gets to talk to him.  Yes, I mentioned he is in a hotel room, but he is still completely exhausted.  She also said that his frustration is growing more and more by the minute.  He was trying to call to see about getting a flight, and sat on hold for an hour.  Well, he finally spoke to a customer service rep, but only for about 10 seconds before he was disconnected.  Talk about frustration.  So, as it stands right now, it's a waiting game on when he will get to come home.  Please pray with me for Andy!  I know I would just be a ball of exhaustion, frustration, and emotions if I were in his shoes.  Praying for him and also for safe travels back to the U.S. 
I did let him know in an email today that I vote NO on anymore business trips back to Japan.  EVER.

Here he is in January, with all his precious girls

Can't wait to have him back on Oklahoma soil!!!

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